Fans have been looking forward to Overlord season 5, which is expected to be either the penultimate or final installment of the beloved isekai anime franchise. The fourth season of the series, released in 2022, covered light novel volumes 10, 11, and 14, while the 2024 movie, named Overlord: Holy Kingdom, will be covering volumes 12 and 13.

Kagune Murayama, the author of the light novels, has confirmed that the series will conclude with volume 18. This revelation implies that only a limited amount of source material remains for the subsequent season or two.

Despite the excitement and anticipation surrounding the series, an official confirmation regarding the production of Overlord season 5 is still not available. This uncertainty has divided the fans.

While some remain optimistic regarding the continuation of the series, others harbor skepticism about the possibility of another season.

Both factions have drawn upon the author's statements to substantiate their respective viewpoints about the production of Overlord season 5, sparking a small debate within the fandom.

Fans debate the possibility of Overlord season 5 as they misunderstand the author

A Reddit user, u/ProfessionalPound205, responded to a post in the r/overlord subreddit by u/Dear_Computer_7720, where they inquired about the possibility of an Overlord season 5. The original poster had come across rumors that the series might be canceled.

According to u/ProfessionalPound205, Maruyama, the author of the light novel series, being dissatisfied with the English dub, had expressed reluctance towards allowing further adaptations.

Despite the general belief that dubbed anime often falls short of the original Japanese voice acting, many fans worldwide have preferred the dubbed version of Overlord, considering it to be above the average standard. This led some to speculate that Maruyama's stance against dubbing, if true, could harm the series.

Another user, u/Mahiro0303, cautioned against getting too hopeful, citing the anime industry's tendency to leave series unfinished. They suggested that the fate of Overlord season 5 might hinge on the success of the upcoming movie, Overlord: Holy Kingdom, and whether the manga's publisher, Kadokawa Shoten, remained interested in the series.

Some fans remained optimistic, believing that the well-received and beloved Overlord series would likely see another season. As of now, there have been no official announcements regarding the renewal of the series.

User u/Straight_Double9977 provided a necessary clarification to u/ProfessionalPound205's claim regarding Maruyama's stance on continuing the anime.

Instead of the author objecting to the series, what actually transpired was that Maruyama had concerns about the circulation of his work through fan translations.

These sentiments were also expressed on Maruyama's account on the social media platform X. But many overseas fans had been quick to point out that not all readers have access to official translations, and unauthorized translations are sometimes the only option due to delays or apathy from authors and publishers.

Some fans did express their willingness to support the author by purchasing official volumes when available. Despite such assurances, the author faces financial losses because the majority of readers do not buy the books after reading fan translations. Maruyama was clear about this, even in the face of harsh criticism.

However, since the issue of translations does not have a bearing on the anime, it is likely for the series to enter production sometime in the future. But even if Overlord season 5 is greenlit, it will not be ready anytime before 2025.

What is the Overlord series about?

Ainz Ooal Gown from the Overlord anime (Image via Madhouse Studio)

Overlord is a dark fantasy anime franchise produced by Madhouse Studio and based on a Japanese novel series by Kugane Maruyama and illustrated by so-bin. It was later adapted into a manga by Satoshi Oshio.

Overlord is set in the year 2138 where the groundbreaking DMMORPG named YGGDRASIL is finally shut down. It follows Momonga, the leader of the Ainz Ooal Gown guild, and one of the last remaining players, who finds himself trapped in his skeletal avatar in the game world, along with the NPCs.

As Ainz Ooal Gown, he then embarks on a quest to explore this new world.

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