Today, August 29, is Liam Payne’s 23rd birthday, and what better way to celebrate him than share some of his best moments. We have found 23 of our personal favourite Instagram posts from the lovely Liam.

23. Sharing the real definition of ‘bae’

22. One Direction selfie from Milan concert

21. This Disneyland shot that’s making all of us insanely jealous

20. The cutest pup in the world

19. The best ‘American Dad’ clip

18. When he was a bit emosh

17. “Because I’m making FAJITAS”

16. The post that created a massive hole in our hearts.

15. When he met the princess of Ireland 

14. When he thought he ran 6.10 km. on stage when in reality it was /only/ 3.2.

13. This very generous selfie

12. Mercy.

11. This post of he and Louis in which Lou looks like an actual ray of sunshine

10. Making all of our dreams come true in Diagon Ally

9. Niall being is funny self

8. The best comeback to online bullies mocking him for something as pointless as his weight

7. Indiana Jones starring Liam Payne? If only.

6. Dubsmashing himself in Louis’ voice

5. Reminding us all of his favourite place to be. (RIP Funky Buddha, you’ll always be in our hearts)

4. Another handsome selfie

3. The time he and Louis trashed Niall’s car

2. Being blown away by the awesomeness of 1D fans

1. His birthday cake from last year aka the greatest cake in the entire universe.

Happy birthday, Liam!

What’s do you think his best Instagram post is? Let us know in a tweet @CelebMix.
